
A plan of things to be done during EICS 2021
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  • First day

  • Do you need a more appealing retail experience for your customers?

    In this workshop you will ideate a Better in-store Customer Experience: your brand will achieve his digital future through emerging technologies.

    Of all the recent advancements, mobile technologies have the biggest impact on the retail landscape and offer the greatest potential for brands and retailers. When 77% of consumers will whip out their mobile devices while shopping in physical stores and 73% prefer retail self-service technologies, it’s clear that brands and retailers should look into modernizing their in-store strategies.

    You will work in a team of 4-6 people solving a Design Challenge given by one of our experts.
    Language: ITALIAN
    Le Village by CA

  • A 3 hours workshop to explore the tools and understand how to implement tech for good projects including the challenges for their growth inside companies.

    Thanks to a great global awareness, consumers are increasingly demanding authenticity to brands. Products are important but not as the purpose a company needs to have at it score. How emerging technologies can help companies achieving it? How social media can support and share tech solutions unlocking big ideas? A rising number of organisations are promoting, as company purpose, the power of tech for good: 79% of business leaders surveyed by PwC believe that having a purpose is central to business success.

    Guided by a facilitator you will understand how your company can generate social impact for the future.

    You will work in a team of 4-6 people working on a first part to analyse best cases and top solutions and a second part to select innovative solutions, ideas and projects to understand how to build your purpose.
    Art & Entertainment
    Language: ITALIAN
    Le Village by CA

  • Sustainability is becoming one of the biggest topics of our time, and is already changing the face of entire industries. Retail is no exception. Regulators, investors, employees and customers are demanding companies to rethink their entire production, supply chain, and the services layer.

    In this workshop Andrea Fischer and Elisabeth Graf will drive the audience to explore how the concept of circular economy can be applied to emerging technologies to invent, design & build more sustainable products & services, and ultimately help retail businesses thrive.

    Join us to discover new tools and practical exercises, designed to help you to incorporate circular design into your business.
    Le Village by CA

  • Choosing the right tool to convey a message is the most important task that companies and agencies face on a daily basis. There is an increasing need for transversal technical-creative knowledge that allows you to use technological tools at maximum potential in a creative and functional way.

    The workshop will examine a case study: you will have to identify the right technological and creative elements, analyze and mix them in the right proportions so as to create new forms of emotional storytelling for products and brands.
    Art & Entertainment
    Language: ITALIAN
    Le Village by CA

  • How can a simple AR effect on instagram become viral? What is an AR effect?

    You will find out the story of Sasha Dog, a Spark AR effect. It has been created during a boring summer morning but it went viral on Instagram and the creator account increased of 400k followers in few weeks.

    With this workshop on Spark AR you will get the answers to those questions. We’ll see the basics on how to create a simple AR effect, learning Spark AR capabilities and limits.
    Art & Entertainment
    Language: ITALIAN
    Le Village by CA

  • The realvirtual are merging gradually, but increasingly at an accelerated pace, due to several key technologies developing in parallel. When these new technologies fuse, they’ll create our collective future, one where we can all choose our exactly how our reality looks, and what it contains. This will have a profound impact on our lives, in both positive and negative ways. In my talk, I explore each of the pieces of this puzzle, and show you my own work that experiments with some of those technologies.
    Architecture & Design
    La Place Room

  • The more immersive and frictionless our interaction with technologies are becoming, the more vulnerable we are for unintended manipulation and far reaching influences on both a physical and psychological level. Just as human bias and judgement errors are seeping into AI algorithms and machine learning, the tricks that our brains and bodies play on us are influencing all interfaces attempting to mimic human interaction as much as possible. As creators and designers in charge, it is our job to define our responsibilities in order to build better products and businesses around thes eunprecedented technologies. In this talk I will share insights and experiences from both internal case studies as well as research studies and experiments around most intuitive and frictionless interfaces: BCI, MR and VUI.
    Architecture & Design
    La Place Room

  • What drives market adoption of wearable tech?

    We can use utility, portability, affordability and social acceptability as our guide and take a humorous look back on the products that got it right, and the less fortunate ones that were doomed from their inception.
    Architecture & Design
    La Place Room

  • The high-bandwidth low-latency technologies promised by 5G are likely to radically disrupt the Creative Industries. Across TV, film, music, the arts and digital creative industries, the effects will affect the production, distribution and consumption models as well as the content that is made.

    During this keynote, Alexandra will discuss the role of 5G for the immersive sector and share her experiences testing & designing the optimal 5G network services for Immersionn streaming in collaboration with Telecommunication operators.
    Art & Entertainment
    La Place Room

  • Since the end of the 19th century, the visual arts, and more specifically that of moving images, has been driven by technology. What began as a mere technical tool quickly blossomed into the dominant art form of the 20th century.

    Now, well into the 21st century, the new technologies of XR - virtual, augmented, and mixed realities - hail a new era wherein artists, researchers, and activists work hand in hand to develop a medium that blends traditional visual storytelling with hard cognitive science. A filmmaker must understand the workings of human emotion, but an XR creator must understand both storytelling and how the brain functions.

    XR represents a new renaissance in art, where technology and expression are interwoven, and if it can be fully embraced by creators and programmers alike, it will represent a truly new frontier in how we communicate.

    Neal will speak about the opportunities and the pitfalls of these new technologies from the perspective of both research and artistic expression.
    Art & Entertainment
    La Place Room

  • Second day

  • In this workshop you will have a look at the short term and long term future of mobility and next generation of customers to find the best questions. Then we will use Design Thinking to ideate disruptive solutions.

    You will work in a team of 4-6 people solving a Design Challenge given by one of our experts.
    Mobility & Smart Tourism
    Le Village by CA

  • Il workshop prevede nella prima parte un approfondimento sui temi della trasformazione digitale, partendo dalla ricerca e dalla progettazione e culminando con l’adozione della tecnologia. Descritti e analizzati i concetti chiave grazie anche a esempi e casi di studio si passa a sperimentare strumenti e metodologie.

    Language: ITALIAN
    Le Village by CA

  • The growing interest and dissemination of technologies such as IoT and AI enabled the opening of new market branches focusing on personal safety: AI-powered IoT solutions and devices allow faster decision-making supported by data collection and realtime processing.

    The sensorization of PPEs and the usage of wearable devices are new key values in the field of personal safety, designed to promptly detect anomalies or harmful situations for individuals. A typical example is the capability to alert rescuers in a long time absence of movements of a specific operator on duty. In parallel, real-time data visualization can be accessed through AR devices for all data collected and the resulting decision-making processes can help operators decide instantly how to behave and, if necessary, to act in advance.

    The session includes a real case history presentation as well as an interactive demo.
    Le Village by CA

  • As Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman would put it, “If you know how people make decisions, you can shape their behavior…” And that’s quite a big if!

    Behavioral Design is the space where psychology and technology meet. It is a framework with only one true king: the user. Even better, the person using the product we are designing.

    In this workshop, you will discover how to design products that solve the correct problem, solutions that influence behaviors for the better, and how to change your users’ life. The workshop will mix theoretical and practical learning, guiding you through the most recent discoveries in behavioral science and the so-called “science of habits”. You will learn about the Behavioral Design framework to understand and influence people behavior, generating a lasting change.

    Aimed at developers, product managers, marketers and everyone who’s involved in product design and development, this workshop represents a unique opportunity to play all your cards, learning how to “hook” users and generate adoption.
    Architecture & Design
    Language: ITALIAN
    Le Village by CA

  • Insurance industry is rapidly changing: new digital customer is unsatisfied with current Insurance offer and expect a completely new offer, more profiled, more transparent, quicker and more technological.

    The changing period that insurance industry is leaving today is known as “insurtech” and refers to technology driven innovation focusing on developing a new value proposition. This union between technologies and insurance industry has given birth to new business opportunities.

    In this Workshop, an overview of these dynamics will be offered by the Italian Insurtech Association IIA, the association that in Italy includes all the companies and professionals engaged in accelerating the Insurtech Industry.
    Language: ITALIAN
    Le Village by CA

  • When we talk about AI and factories we usually focus on the power of prediction. However, AI is more than just a predictive technique: considering it just a tool to forecast phenomena drastically limits our vision and opportunity to develop this technology.

    Let's go further: what are the possibilities given by AI in the industrial field and how can we measure them? How to design an AI-first strategy for operations? How can we develop new intelligences and opportunities?
    La Place Room

  • We have developed unique production and postproduction technology to produce 360 3D, first persone, dynamic experiences in virtual reality, ideal for storytelling, brand experience and training. Aside around 300 VR productions in every field we have produced training and marketing experience for medical and pharma being in the body of a doctor or a technician during a surgery or clinical test.
    La Place Room

  • In the automated world, performance is a function of human behavior and VR opens new possibilities for scalable behavioral training. So, how can you develop immersive learning strategies to transform your organisation?

    In this talk we'll look at:
    Challenge & Answers - A look at the research around immersive learning & behavioral change in the context of the new World of Work; Immersive Learning Design - The Do's and Don'ts of creating embodied VR learning experiences. Case Study - Safeguarding VR: How the Aid Sector is using VR to transform safeguarding culture at scale.
    La Place Room

  • How Volvo Cars embraced Realtime 3D and shook up the auto industry.
    Mobility & Smart Tourism
    La Place Room